CPA Exam Tips: How Much Does it Cost to Take the CPA Exam?

cpa exam cost

The right CPA prep course for you depends largely on your preferred learning style and budget. Some people learn better in person, some do fine with virtual tutoring, and some are indifferent. So when deciding which prep course is right for you, look for one that caters to your preferences. However, cpa exam cost the app received a series of updates in 2020 to fix these bugs, and user reviews now rave about its easy navigation and user-friendly features (4.3 stars on Google Play and 4.4 stars on iTunes). To become a licensed CPA, you must pass the CPA Exam, a four-section, 16-hour assessment.

What is the CPA Exam? A Comprehensive Guide – Miami Herald

What is the CPA Exam? A Comprehensive Guide.

Posted: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:38:37 GMT [source]

Check our State Requirements page to find out your state’s specific CPA Exam fees and requirements, or visit your State Board of Accountancy’s website. Most states that allow international candidates to take the exam in their jurisdiction charge a $150 – $200 fee. This is because your state will need to assess whether your education meets the minimum requirements. The ability to demo the product before purchasing is important because a CPA prep course can be a significant financial investment. Pass rates and quality of instructors were also of high importance because they provide candidates with a sense of security when making a decision that will impact their career.

How Much Does the CPA Exam Cost?

Consider it an investment in yourself, knowing that CPAs typically earn up to 15% more over the course of their careers than non-CPAs. International CPA candidates will need to pay domestic testing fees and additional fees for each section of the CPA Exam that is taken internationally. You’ve passed the CPA Exam, completed your ethics course, and have your experience documented and signed off by a licensed CPA. Submitting all your information and obtaining your license will come with another fee, which does vary from state to state.

The application fee is a one-time fee to obtain your authorization to test. Several other online resources are available to help you study for the CPA exam, although it’s important to ensure courses and materials are up to date and designed or taught by credentialed instructors. AICPA hosts a database of CPA exam preparation resources, including costs and user ratings for each to help you narrow your options.

CPA Exam Guide: Everything You Need To Know About the New Exam In 2024

State boards may give exception to extreme circumstances, so call your board if you believe your situation warrants consideration. Passing the CPA Exam requires you to invest time, effort, and money. The amount of time and effort you’ll have to put in depends on your educational background and where you are in your career. When it comes to the CPA Exam cost, the major inputs are the fees you pay to your state board, NASBA, and Prometric; your CPA Exam review course; and any additional services you may need. While it seems like it would save you money to register for all exam sections at once, this is a risky move. Completing and passing all four sections of the exam in six months is not an easy task.

cpa exam cost

It pays to ask around if you think you might be eligible for reimbursements. The exception may be when you’ve paid fees to your state board and are found ineligible when you first apply, in which case you might receive a partial refund. You will NOT receive a refund if you are later found ineligible because of misconduct, a change in requirements, or other factors.

International CPA Exam Fees

If you’d like to study solo, find a quiet, dedicated space for sessions and make room in your schedule for several hours of exam preparation each week. Consider getting support from a trusted colleague or mentor when necessary. How will you space out the various sections to give yourself ample study time? Keep track of exam application deadlines, and think about when you should schedule study sessions. CPA exam scoring weighs the scaled scores of multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations of each section equally at 50% of the total score.

cpa exam cost

They also offer a variety of modalities to accommodate various learning styles (online tutoring, chat, in-person lectures, etc.). In the event that you did not accomplish a passing score on a section, you must take it again. Before you decide that accounting might not be for you after all, keep in mind that CPA passing rates generally hover around the 50% mark ― this examination is not meant to be easy. Entire websites are dedicated to helping candidates redirect their studies so that they pass on the next go-around (or the one after that).

It intends to assess the candidate’s performance holistically by looking at subject comprehension, interpretation, application, and retainment. The below table indicates the percentage of skill levels tested in each section and discipline. If you have researched carefully and are confident in the CPA review course you have chosen, you can save money by buying four sections at once instead of each section separately. You’ll have to pay out a bit more upfront, but with courses like Gleim CPA Review, you can actually save a couple hundred dollars by opting for the complete CPA review system. Years ago, NASBA took steps to be added to the Veterans Affairs list of approved organizations, meaning veterans can be reimbursed up to $2,000 for their costs of CPA certification.

cpa exam cost

Their course comes in 3 different levels, ranging from $1,600 to $3,000, with varying amounts of additional perks. At the first level, you have access to their ASAP technology, e-books, lecture study notes, and over 7,000 MCQs for practice. You will be required to pay the application fee every time you need to refresh your authorization to test (ATT) notice. The application and registration fees are the fees that everyone must pay at least once. Many people are unable to pass one or more modules on their first attempt and must reapply to take the module over. The short answer, though frustrating, is that CPA exam costs and fees vary from state to state.

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